Lutron SW-U811-WIN Data Acquisition Software. LUTRON's instruments (especial for power analyzer, DW-6092, DW-6093, DW-6095). Requires formatted for Windows : WIN 95, WIN 98, Vista, WIN 7, WIN 8 ยี่ห้อ Lutron
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Lutron SW-U811-WIN Data Acquisition Software.
The SW-U811 is a multi-displays (1/2/4/6/8/12/16 Displays)
powerful WINDOWS program available for WIN 95 & WIN 98, Vista, WIN 7, WIN 8,
which enables you to cooperate the LUTRON's instruments (especial for power analyzer, DW-6092, DW-6093, DW-6095).
It also provides the functions of data logging system, text display, angular display, chart display, data recorder high/low limit,
data query, text report, chart report.. .xxx.mdb, xxx.txt data file can be retrieved for Excell.., wide intelligent applications.
ยี่ห้อ Lutron