General knowledge about scales


General knowledge about scales

General knowledge about scales

Weighting or scale for nowadays had a lot of types but how did we know which one is proper for me? 

The question that you had to asking yourself before buying the scales is 

  1. What is the material that you will weight?
  2. How much for maximum capacity?
  3. How much for resolution?

Let’s find the answer with us

The first question is What is the material that you will weight? At firstly, you need to know about the material or goods because there had a lot of types such as

  • Waterproof scale is for foods industry
  • Personal scale is for hospital industry
  • Standard bench scale is for packing industry, agriculturist industry
  • Counting scale is for electronic industry, automobile industry
  • Crane scale is for steel industry

The second question is What is the highest capacity of scales?

Highest capacity is the maximum weight weighing in each time. For the safety of scale, the user should not exceed weight that be determine for weighing.

The three question is How many resolution positions?

The resolution is the minimum weight, or it is an official term called the ability to read the weight of the scale which means that the minimum difference between two readable values on the scale. For scales with digital screens is range of numbers that increase or decrease, possibly referred to as the "resolution" of the scale.

The ability to read the standard values ​​of the scale.

Type of scales
ResolutionResolution (g.)Digit
Ultra-micro balances1d*0.1 µg
0.0000001 g7 ตำแหน่ง
Micro balances1d1 µg0.000001 g6 ตำแหน่ง
Semi-micro balances1d0.01 mg0.00001 g
5 ตำแหน่ง
Analytical balances1d0.1 mg0.0001 g4 ตำแหน่ง
Precision balances1d1 g to 1 mg1 g to 0.001 g0-3 ตำแหน่ง

* 1d = 1 digit = The range of numbers increases or decreases.

Let's choose the right scale 

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