3 Reason know before choose VMM



VMM (Video Measuring Machine) is the tool for measuring workpieace that need more accuray for example Electronic part , Automotive part for compare and check the precision and accuracy of that workpieace 

In fact , VMM (Video Measuring Machine) can support to checking the workpieace in case that some factory had a lot of workpieace, its will be better if you had a Video Measuring Machine for measuring and checking the correct one or in case that you had huge workpieace with the same dimension. You can set and let's this machine checking the data for you with our program to get more accuray.

So how to choose VMM for suitable for your workpieace

 The way to choose the Video Measuring Machine, Its had many factor for suitable with your workpieace

1. What's part that you would like to measure

  Video Measuring Machine has many type so you need to know first about "What's part that you would like to measure? "  

  Nowadays , we had a lot of Video Measuring Machine but which one will be perfect for you. If we talking about Video Measuring Machine Brand ARCS VISION can separate into 2 type

1. Manual Video Measuring Machine is the machine can work together with our program to measure and compute. We had 2 model that is Vertical and Horizontal type

If your workpieace is Electroincs part ,we will recomment KIM-3020CU for Vertical type.

If your workpieace is screw , we will recomment HIM-3020 for Horizontal type.

2. AUTO Video Measuring Machine is the automatic system. This is suitable for who had huge workpieace with the same dimension and you need to measure together. You just setting and click afterthat waitting the machine ,they will measue and compute to you, This is the better way for save cost and time. We will recomment KAM-3020

Please don't forgot the range of workpieace because you need yo selected the stage of machine.

2. Please selected the camare for measure 

 Video Measuring Machine , this is the name of machine. The name is Video that why we will not focus on Lens of camare ,right? I can not said which one is the best machine but i can said which machine had good camare. This points can make your productivity can get more capability.

3. Software

 Why we need to know about software ? the answer because this can be your capability of machines. If you selected the machine that can measure a lot of things, it's will good for you to serve your products that why we had more measuring function in our software. Not only more function but also you can export file into many file for example DXF , SIF , Excellon File and etc. 

For Video Measuring Machine support up to Window 7


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